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Stuffed Focaccia Bread

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Stuffed Focaccia Bread
Stuffed Focaccia Bread

You will need

    • 475g Wholesome Breadmix
    • 2 cups warm water
    • 12g Active Dried Yeast
    • 1 tsp honey
    • pinch of salt
    • ½ cup Oil
    • 2 tsp garlic - finely chopped
    • 1 tbsp rosemary, finely chopped
    • extra sea salt and rosemary for topping

For the stuffing
    • 50 grams feta
    • Handful of basil leaves
    • ¼ cup olives, sliced
    • ½ cup mozzarella cheese
Prep Time 20 minutes
Total Cook Time 1¼ hours including proving
Difficulty Easy
Ingredients 12
Sugar free
Nut free
Egg free
Gluten free

All credit for the inspiration for this recipe goes to Anna from Just A Mum. When Anna first posted this recipe we started drooling and within hours we had successfully made her recipe into gluten free. There are so any options for the stuffing with this one, I think it would be great as a stuffed pizza bread.

Note: You can change your stuffing ingredients to your likely, just follow these approximate quantities.

In a cold frying pan add the olive oil, garlic and rosemary and on a low heat simmer until the oil is infused with the flavours, approximately 5-6 minutes

Remove from the heat and set aside to cool, then add to a small bowl.

In a large bowl mix together the bread mix, yeast, honey, salt, water and ¼ cup of the oil, getting most of the garlic.

Tip onto a floured bench and knead for no more than a minute until it comes together and halve the dough

Prepare a cast iron oven proof round skillet/pan or a round 25-30cm springed cake tin by brushing two tablespoons of the prepared oil, getting the remainder of the garlic over the base and up the sides.

On the bench, shape half the dough into the sharp of your pan and carefully place into your pan and push out to cover completely using your finger tips.

Sprinkle your stuffing ingredients on leaving a 2cm area around the edge of the dough.

Shape out your second half of dough and gently place on top of the stuffing ingredients. Pinching together any little holes that may have formed.

Use your finger tips to make small indentations all over the top of the dough.

Brush with the remaining oil, sprinkle with the extra sea salt and rosemary. Leave in a warm place to rise.

Once your bread has risen, bake in a preheated oven at 200°C for 20 minutes or until it sounds hollow when tapped.

Cool for 10 minutes before carefully removing and placing on a wire rack.

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